Why Don’t Edibles Get Me High?

There are a few reasons you might not be getting high after using THC edibles. Some people are genetically hardwired to process THC differently, and it’s also possible that the edibles you ate are to blame. In this guide, learn all the reasons you might not be feeling high after eating edibles, and learn what you can do to fix this problem.
Why don’t some people get high from using edibles?
When you orally ingest THC, you’re relying on your digestive system to process this cannabinoid and deliver it to your bloodstream and brain. The human digestive system has a tendency to filter out substances it identifies as toxins, however, and THC is one of those substances.
Your liver will neutralize the majority of the THC you ingest during the metabolization process. Plus, some people’s livers produce the wrong types of enzymes to process THC efficiently, reducing the bioavailability of this cannabinoid even further.
There are a few other reasons edibles might not be getting you high as well. Not all weed edibles are made equal, for one thing, so it’s possible the pot brownies or candies you just ate weren’t strong enough to provide the desired effect.
Also, keep in mind that some edibles don’t contain THC at all. CBD edibles become more popular every year, and if you consume an edible that only contains CBD, you shouldn’t have to wonder very long why you didn’t get high.
What is being “ediblocked?”
Some cannabis users refer to the inability to get high from using edibles as being edible-blocked or “ediblocked.” This term has gained popularity within online communities like Reddit and Instagram, and its existence speaks to how widespread the phenomenon of experiencing disappointing results from edibles has become.
Why can’t my friend get high?
Nothing can kill the vibe more quickly than experiencing potent results from THC edibles while your friend doesn’t feel a thing. If you took edibles with a friend and they aren’t getting high, just smoke a bowl with them instead. The phenomenon of being “ediblocked” only applies to taking THC orally—smoking weed bypasses the liver, sending THC directly into your bloodstream.
Why don’t I feel anything the first time using edibles?
There’s a difference between never experiencing effects from THC edibles and not experiencing effects the first time. If your system has never been exposed to THC before, it may take your endocannabinoid system a couple of sessions to “attune” to this cannabinoid. Failing to experience effects the first time you orally ingest THC isn’t the same thing as being ediblocked—you might just need to wait a day or two and try taking edibles again.
Can you be immune to edibles?
Depending on the way your genetic code manages the secretion of liver enzymes, you might experience an inability to get high from edibles that doesn’t go away over time. Even so, being immune to edibles doesn’t make you immune to other ways of using THC. The potent, long-lasting effects of edibles might be forbidden to you due to your body chemistry, but you can still smoke or vape weed to your heart’s content.
Can edibles be too weak to get you high?
Yes, if edibles do not contain enough THC, they will not get you high. Generally speaking, it requires at least 10mg of orally ingested THC to feel high, so spreading a gram of weed throughout a whole tray of brownies. Upgrade that gram to an eighth, though, and you’ve got yourself some potent THC edibles in the making.
Will CBD edibles get you high?
Here’s another reason your edibles might not be getting you high—they contain CBD. Edibles that only contain CBD will not get you high. Instead, they will provide a mild, relaxing feeling that might make you feel sleepy. If you didn’t get high from the edibles you just ate, the first thing to check is the cannabinoid concentration section of the product label.
Eating disorders and edibles: Is there a conflict?
For people with eating disorders like anorexia and bulimia, consuming THC in the form of edibles can be a problem. Individuals struggling with anorexia can ingest THC tinctures instead, but absorbing THC via the digestive tract may be problematic if you don’t keep anything in your stomach for very long.
Will I still feel an edible after throwing it up?
If you throw up after eating a THC edible, the intensity of the effects you experience will depend on the duration of time you managed to hold the edible in your stomach. To exert their full effects, though, edibles must pass through your entire digestive tract. As a result, throwing up after eating edibles will reduce the intensity of your high to some degree regardless of how long you wait before vomiting.
Can liver enzymes block edibles?
No, liver enzymes cannot directly block the effects of the THC contained in cannabis edibles, but they can alter the rate at which THC and other cannabinoids are broken down and absorbed into the bloodstream. Different people have variations of a particular gene that controls the expression of a liver enzyme that’s essential for metabolizing THC. If you have the form of this gene that prevents adequate expression of THC-processing enzymes, you might not feel the effects of weed edibles as strongly as your friends.
What is the CYP2C9 gene?
The CYP2C9 gene is the snippet of your genetic code that controls the expression of the enzyme used to process orally ingested THC. Depending on the variant of this gene that’s contained in your DNA, the way your liver metabolizes THC can change drastically. Expressing an unideal variant of the CYP2C9 gene appears to be one of the main reasons people don’t get high after eating THC edibles.
How does the CYP2C9 gene affect THC metabolization in the liver?
Some people have variants of the CYP2C9 gene that are perfect for producing the enzymes necessary to properly metabolize THC. Other people, however, simply weren’t born with the form of this gene that’s most ideal for metabolizing cannabinoids.
Don’t assume, though, that the reason edibles aren’t working for you is genetic. Try taking edibles a few more times before concluding that your body just isn’t equipped to deliver the benefits of THC via this route.
What can you do if edibles don’t get you high?
Even if it turns out you’ll never be able to get high by eating THC edibles, there are still plenty of other ways you can enjoy the benefits of this cannabinoid. Also, you shouldn’t jump to conclusions unless you’re absolutely sure there’s a good reason THC edibles won’t get you high. Sometimes, all it takes is a little bit of time and persistence.
Let’s take a look at the top 5 things you should do if your epic edibles journey fizzles out before it takes flight:
1. Be patient
Edibles will usually kick in within around 30 minutes, but in some cases, you won’t feel the effects of orally ingested THC for over an hour. It might not be that your edibles won’t kick in at all but that they just haven’t kicked in yet. If it has been more than 90 minutes and you still aren’t feeling any effects from the THC edibles you ate, you can safely conclude the experience was a dud.
2. Try higher doses
It might be the case that you simply didn’t ingest enough THC to get high—this is especially common in the case of homemade edibles. Plus, you did heat your buds high enough to activate them, right? It’s necessary to heat weed to around 250° F for THC to turn into its active form. Remember that 10mg of THC is widely regarded as an edible dose practically guaranteed to get you at least somewhat high.
3. Reduce your tolerance
Being too new to THC can render orally ingesting this cannabinoid ineffective, but so can using THC too much. Over time, habitual users develop a tolerance to THC that may reduce the perceived effects of this substance. Take a “T break” to reset your tolerance before the next time you try edibles.
4. Smoke or vape instead
You might just be one of those unlucky people who doesn’t produce enough liver enzymes for orally ingested THC to have the desired effects. If this is the case, you’ll need to inhale THC instead. Even if smoking isn’t up your alley, vaping THC is a much milder experience that delivers an even more potent high.
Edibles are unreliable, inconsistent, and inefficient
In the end, you can do a lot better than THC edibles. If you like ingesting THC orally, you can do away with all the frills and simply take a weed tincture or even place THC dabs under your tongue.
Weed edibles like gummies, candies, and cookies are packed with sugar and other harmful ingredients that pollute the benefits of the all-natural cannabis experience. Eat weed edibles for the novelty and fun of it, not expecting the most mind-blowing high you’ve ever experienced.