Delta 10 vs. Delta 8

Recently, the internet has exploded with new forms of hemp-derived THC. Since it’s the most popular type, you’ve probably heard of delta 8 THC, but you might not know much about the delta 10 form of this cannabinoid.
Just as delta 9 and delta 8 are almost identical, there aren’t many differences between delta 8 and delta 10. The minor discrepancies between these two THC alternatives might be enough to make a difference, though, so brush up on the similarities and dissimilarities between delta 8 and delta 10 THC in this guide.
What is the difference between delta 8 and delta 10?
The difference between delta 8 and delta 10 stems from a single carbon bond. In delta 8, this carbon bond is located in one area of the molecule’s body, and in delta 10, this bond has been shifted slightly to a different location.
Incidentally, a single carbon bond also makes the difference between delta 8 and delta 9. The location of this carbon bond doesn’t seem to significantly impact the effects of THC, but it certainly makes a difference from a regulatory perspective.
How are delta 8 and delta 10 made?
Both delta 8 THC and delta 10 THC are usually made by converting another cannabinoid using specific applications of heat. Due to its widespread availability, CBD is usually used, but you can also use CBG to make either delta 8 or delta 10.
The delta 8 or delta 10 conversion process doesn’t inherently add additional substances or introduce contaminants. Hemp producers vary, though, in the quality of the processes they use to produce delta 8 and delta 10.
Is delta 8 or delta 10 stronger?
Most people who have used both cannabinoids indicate that delta 8 provides a more potent experience than delta 10. There isn’t any scientific evidence to back up these claims, though, since research into both delta 8 and delta 10 remains in its infancy.
Which “delta” is the strongest?
Delta 8, delta 9, and delta 10 THC all provide potent, intoxicating effects. Out of the three, though, delta 9 is considered to offer the greatest potency. Scientists aren’t sure why this is the case, but reports from people who have used all three forms of THC almost unanimously support this point.
Delta 8 vs. delta 10 vs. delta 9
Delta 8, delta 10, and delta 9 are all very similar structurally. There are significant differences, though, in the ways these three forms of THC are prepared.
Out of the three, delta 9 remains the only form of THC found in cannabis in large concentrations. Both delta 8 and delta 10 THC are also technically “natural” cannabinoids since they’re expressed in cannabis flower, but at this point, these alternative forms of THC are only available in hemp buds in very small quantities.
Delta 10 vs. delta 8 vs. THCO
At the same time delta 8 and delta 10 rose to popularity, another form of THC also came to the fore: THCO, also known as THC-O or THC-O acetate. Created by acetylizing THC, THCO is a synthetic cannabinoid, making it inherently different from delta 8 and delta 10, which are both naturally found in cannabis (albeit in very small quantities).
Due to its synthetic origins, scientists have concerns about the safety of THCO compared to natural forms of THC. With so many natural forms of THC now available online, there’s no reason to choose THCO instead. This synthetic cannabinoid is not known to offer any benefits above and beyond those of delta 8 or delta 10, and the synthesis process may introduce contaminants into finished THCO products.
Delta 8 vs. delta 10: detailed breakdown
Now that you have a basic idea of the differences between delta 8 and delta 10, let’s compare these two cannabinoids in four separate categories: benefits, cost, availability, and dosage.
1. Delta 8 vs. delta 10 benefits
Delta 8 and delta 10 THC appear to offer very similar benefits. From a chemical perspective, there’s no reason to believe delta 8 and delta 10 would offer significantly different effects. Nonetheless, some users report subtle differences between the experienced effects of these two cannabinoids.
For instance, delta 8 is considered to be more “relaxing” while delta 10 is regarded as more “energizing.” It’s possible users are conflating the differences terpenes make in the cannabis experience with differences between the actual cannabinoids they’re using, but these reports are so widespread that they’re worth considering.
2. Delta 8 vs. delta 10 cost
Delta 8 and delta 10 THC generally cost around the same, but delta 10 products might be slightly higher-priced due to the reduced availability of this cannabinoid. In any free market, competition drives prices downward, but since delta 10 is harder to acquire and is less popular, basic economic principles dictate that this cannabinoid will usually cost slightly more than delta 8.
3. Delta 8 vs. delta 10 availability
As the more popular alternative to delta 9, delta 8 THC products are much more widely available than delta 10 products. If you find a delta 8 product you like, it’s much more likely to remain available than a delta 10 product, which has a greater chance of going out of stock or being discontinued.
The increased availability of delta 8 also drives product quality upward. With more products available, producers have to remain competitive, resulting in decreased prices and better product variety.
4. Delta 8 vs. delta 10 dosage
Since delta 8 and delta 10 have very similar effects, dosage guidelines for these two THC alternatives are also pretty much the same. Just to be clear, the federal government has not provided dosage guidelines for any form of THC, but enough people have used these cannabinoids at this point to get a general idea of how much delta 8 or delta 10 you’ll need to use to experience consistently enjoyable effects.
When determining the ideal dose for any cannabinoid, start with a low dose and move upward as desired. Regardless of their reportedly mild effects, delta 8 and delta 10 remain forms of THC, an intoxicating cannabinoid that can overwhelm newbies who aren’t cautious.
Delta 8 vs. delta 10 reviews
The best way to find out which delta 8 and delta 10 you should use is to check out the stories left behind by people who have already used these cannabinoids. Instead of trusting any company’s marketing material, go straight to the source by considering objective customer opinions. You can start by taking a look at the following Secret Nature delta 8 verified customer reviews:
- Secret Nature Super 8 Delta 8 Vape Cartridge review - Steve F. “Tour De Force” ★★★★★ “My Absolute Favorite Vape EVER!!! I just can't wait for more to be in stock! This is the creme de la creme here folks. Can't beat this…
- Secret Nature Elysian Secret OG Delta 8 Flower review - Dave F. ★★★★★ “Once again another winner from Secret Nature. This batch of Delta 8 Secret OG is tops in flavor, aroma, and a real nice head and body effect. Really fits the bill at the end of the day, helps with the body pain and lets me relax.”
Delta 10 vs. delta 8 FAQ
Let’s finish up with a few answers to common delta 8 and delta 10 questions:
Is mixing delta 8 and delta 10 a good idea?
There’s no reason you shouldn’t mix delta 8 and delta 10. Both cannabinoids are types of THC, and they are not known to negatively interact with each other. In fact, cannabinoids are known to interact positively when used together, resulting in a synergistic phenomenon known as the entourage effect.
Some delta 8 and delta 10 products might be difficult to mix, however. Don’t try to take distillate from a delta 10 vape cartridge, for instance, and try to put it in a delta 8 cart. At best, you’ll waste precious cannabinoid distillate, and at worst, you could end up dealing with broken glass.
How long does delta 10 stay in your urine?
Like other cannabinoids, delta 10 THC can remain detectable in your urine for up to 30 days. If you only use delta 10 lightly, however, it’s likely this cannabinoid will entirely purge itself from your system within a week or so.
Just keep in mind that drug tests don’t usually distinguish between different forms of THC. Even if you made sure to use a “legal” form of THC like delta 8 or delta 10, your test will show up positive for delta 9 THC.
Are delta 8 and delta 10 legal?
Delta 8 and delta 10 are both generally considered to be “industrial hemp” under the 2018 Farm Bill. As a result, these two forms of THC usually end up in the same legal category as CBD, but individual peculiarities may apply.
Recently, for instance, some states have started applying different rules to delta 8 and delta 10 than they apply to other hemp cannabinoids. Make sure to check your local regulations if you want to keep your delta 8 or delta 10 usage strictly legal.
Is delta 10 safe?
There is no indication that delta 10 THC is inherently any less safe than delta 8, delta 9, or any other form of THC. As a cannabinoid, though, THC has a few notable side effects, and the conversion process can introduce contaminants into finished delta 8 or delta 10 products.