Using CBD as a THC User

THC is still viewed with skepticism, and people are cautiously optimistic about CBD. Decades of war-on-drugs programming doesn’t wear off overnight, but cannabinoids are stronger together.
Based on the research, CBD not only ameliorates some of the most concerning attributes of THC but also brings its own bevy of benefits to the table. Are you a:
- CBD user curious about trying THC?
- THC user curious about trying CBD?
Then this simple and to-the-point guide is for you. Learn if it’s a good idea to use these cannabinoids together, and, if so, the best ways to combine CBD and THC.
What is CBD?
Like THC, CBD is a cannabinoid. It comes from Cannabis sativa, and even though it’s possible to synthesize CBD, that’s its only natural source.
Despite being in the same chemical family, CBD is very different-looking at the molecular scale, and it also has very different effects from THC. While THC pretty much directly stimulates dopamine production, CBD appears to be more involved with serotonin instead, and it may even block the usual functions of THC.
When used without THC, the felt effects of CBD are mild and non-intoxicating. They’re more similar to herbal remedies you’ve tried than the effects of a drug.
Used at the same time as THC, however, CBD might make the effects of THC more relaxing or subdued. It all depends, though, on the ratio at which you consume each cannabinoid.
What is the difference between THC and CBD?
Chemically, it would be hard for THC and CBD to be more different. Pardon the outdated verbiage, but THC essentially acts as a conventional “narcotic” while CBD is more similar to a mild, over-the-counter sedative.
The two cannabinoids should, therefore, most likely be regulated differently down the road. Neither should be outlawed, either, partially since there’s so much we still need to learn about both THC and CBD.
While CBD and THC may be at opposite ends of the effects spectrum, they each constitute one part of an all-important inter-cannabinoid puzzle. Scientists are starting to think that cannabinoids might work best when many are used at once in relatively equal ratios.
How does CBD affect THC?
Nobody really knows enough to make any definitive statements on this subject right now. There’s a lot of speculation flying around — fueled in part by legitimate scientific studies that seem to indicate a link between CBD and THC side effect reduction.
It seems we made a mistake somewhere along the way. When cannabis breeders should have been maximizing production of every cannabinoid, they focused exclusively on THC instead — at the detriment of every other cannabinoid.
Now, we have to rescue CBD, CBG, CBC, and all the rest from the gutter they were tossed down into when discovered non-intoxicating. Each constituent of Cannabis sativa has something unique to offer, and the relationship between CBD and THC is the first place we need to turn our attention as we weave together the tapestry of cannabinoid synergy.
How to use CBD and THC together — step-by-step guide
You have a basic idea of the differences between CBD and THC now. Here’s a brief rundown of the steps you should take to optimize an ideal CBD/THC routine:
1. Consider your background
Your genetic and environmental background can significantly impact the effects cannabinoids have on your body. If you or anyone in your family has a history of substance abuse, you might want to consult with a medical professional before proceeding.
While the side effects of THC are usually mild, they can be exacerbated by personal circumstances. Research has been conducted into the potential ability of CBD to combat addiction.
2. Consider the pros and cons
What are the benefits of using CBD and THC together? Are there any risks?
Since CBD and THC come from the same plant, they don’t interact negatively. At the same time, CBD combined with THC is entirely unlike either cannabinoid on its own.
If you like CBD, you might also like THC — but you might not. The same goes for habitual THC users. You’ll understand a lot more about the pros and cons of using CBD and THC together after trying it for yourself.
3. Track your usage habits
It’s always a good idea to have a firm grasp of everything you allow into your body. The same is the case with CBD and THC — whether you use them together or separately.
You don’t necessarily need to jot down the weight and cannabinoid concentration of each bowl you smoke, but getting a general baseline of your current usage habits and comparing them to your habits when using both CBD and THC is essential.
You might use more. You might use less. All that matters is knowing.
4. Analyze the data
Use your usage data (remember, it can be very basic) to get an idea of how combining CBD and THC has changed your cannabinoid habits. As a THC user, you might see your overall cannabinoid usage go down. As a CBD user, you might see it go up or stay roughly the same.
This is how you’ll check if you’re veering too far into left-field.
5. Adjust as necessary
Using cannabinoids isn’t playing around. They’re powerful healing tools that can do harm when used carelessly.
The best way to make both THC and CBD work for you is to use them consciously. CBD hasn’t been discovered to have any serious side effects, but THC might, so use your own discernment in conjunction with your doctor’s recommendations.
Let’s wrap up with brief answers to common CBD + THC questions:
Does CBD take the edge off of THC?
That’s what some people say. We don’t know exactly what kind of “edge” they’re talking about — we’ve always found THC to be more mild than people give it credit for. But, if you want to make things less intoxicating, adding CBD into the mix might do the trick.
Does CBD help if you’re too high?
It might. Being “too high,” however, is entirely an experienced phenomenon, not a physical one. THC toxicity doesn’t take place until extremely high doses are ingested, and the feeling of being too high usually dissipates within a few hours at most.
What is better for pain — THC or CBD?
Plenty of pharmaceutical corporations would pay you a hefty price for the answer to that.
At present, the answer seems to be “both.” CBD and THC have both been intently researched for their potential analgesic properties, but until the proper authorities weigh in, we can’t give our opinion.
What are the side effects of CBD?
Scientists are boggled by their inability to find CBD side effects. It’s possible that extremely high doses of pure CBD might harm the liver, but the established research indicates that doses of CBD up to 1500mg per day are well-tolerated by adults.
What are the side effects of THC?
The side effects of THC may have been overplayed and sensationalized by media and government, but they exist. Some people can use THC entirely side-effect-free, but others need to be more careful about their THC ingestion.
In medical and recreational cannabis states, physicians may be open to discussing CBD and THC as legitimate therapies. Don’t be afraid to consult with your doctor regarding the potential side effects of THC, CBD, or any other cannabinoid.
What is the best way to use CBD and THC together?
It’s not our place to directly advocate for THC use. All Secret Nature products contain less than 0.3% ∆9-THC, and we advise you to follow all applicable state and local laws.
Delta 8 THC, however, is another matter. Coming soon is a guide to how to use CBD and ∆8 together — stay tuned!