Top 5 Terpenes in THCA Flower & Vapes

Published July 16, 2024
Top 5 Terpenes in THCA Flower & Vapes - Secret Nature

There’s a lot more to THCA than just a single cannabinoid. Even beyond minor cannabinoids and their important contributions to the entourage effect, there are still terpenes and flavonoids to account for — aromatic and delicious natural compounds that change how cannabis tastes, smells, and feels.

THCA flower and vapes should contain terpenes, and lots of them. Secret Nature THCA products contain ideal concentrations of terpenes preserved in the form of live resin extract, which prevents damage to these delicate compounds.

Which terpenes do Secret Nature THCA vapes and flower contain, however, and what do terpenes do when combined with this form of “hemp THC?” These are the types of questions we’ll explore in this guide, delving deep into what THCA terpenes are and why they’re so critically important.

What are terpenes?

Terpenes are “aromatic compounds,” which means they have pleasant smells. “Aromatic” can also mean something completely different in a strictly chemical sense, but the average cannabis user just needs to know that terpenes smell good. Terpenes are found in various plants, perhaps most notably Cannabis sativa.

They’re also highly volatile compounds, meaning they’ll explode if kept in unsafe conditions in high enough concentrations. In the concentrations present in cannabis products, though, combustion isn’t a concern. The main issue is that this volatility causes terpenes to degrade over time — thus the importance of live resin.

- Terpenes are volatile oils found in plants

- Cannabis can contain a wide variety of different terpenes

- Each terpene has different effects

- Live resin terpenes are more effective

What are live resin terpenes?

Live resin terpenes are more potent and taste better than terpenes that are extracted using conventional methods. So, when you see the words “live resin extract” or the acronym “LR,” expect the associated cannabis product to hit harder and taste better.

When you handle cannabis the conventional way, the inherent volatility of terpenes causes them to break down and lose their benefits. Live resin is a type of cannabis extract that prevents terpene degradation by freezing these precious cannabis compounds at the moment they’re extracted.

- Live resin is made using flash-freezing

- Live resin terpenes are more potent and taste better

What do terpenes do?

Terpenes can have a lot of different effects since each terpene is distinctly unique. Even though they have differences, cannabinoids are largely the same in their chemical structure. Not so with terpenes, which can be so vastly different from each other that they hardly seem to all belong to the same class of compound at all.

Some terpenes, like limonene, are believed to excite the central nervous system and produce a state of arousal or enhanced energy. Linalool, however — the primary terpene in lavender — has a soporific effect. Other terpenes, like myrcene, have a tendency to affect your mood.

What unites all terpenes is their anti-inflammatory and antioxidant powers. Every terpene so-far discovered by science appears to have at least some ability to reduce inflammation and oxidative stress in the human body. Terpenes often go about this central task in different ways, however, allowing each compound to serve its own important role in our evolving understanding of terpene medicine.

- Each terpene has its own unique effects

- All terpenes appear to help with inflammation and oxidative stress, though

Do terpenes naturally occur in THCA flower?

Yes, THCA flower is naturally high in terpenes. Some strains of THCA flower contain higher concentrations of terpenes than others, and terpenes can be either maximized or minimized by the cultivation and processing techniques cannabis producers choose to use.

On average, THCA flower contains around 2-5% terpenes. That might not seem like a lot, but compare that to the 10-15% average for total cannabinoids in THCA flower. Terpenes make up quite a bit of the THCA flower you love to smoke.

How do you add terpenes to THCA vapes?

Terpenes are present in THCA vapes because they have been removed from cannabis flower and then reintroduced into finished cannabinoid-rich extract. The best way to add terpenes to THCA vapes is to extract them using the live resin process we discussed earlier. Live resin terpenes taste better and add more value to THCA vapes than terpenes extracted the conventional way.

Which terpenes are most abundant in THCA products?

You know what terpenes are. But, which terpenes are you most likely to come across in vapes, flower, and other products containing THCA? Find out now:

1. Myrcene

Depending on who you ask, myrcene is either the most-abundant or second-most-abundant terpene in all types of cannabis. It’s the terpene that makes cannabis smell “dank,” and it has a mango-like aroma to it that’s actually shared among many plants.

- Also found in: Mangoes, hops, lemongrass, citrus fruit

- Aroma/flavor profile: Dank, fruity, sweet

2. Caryophyllene

Caryophyllene (also known as beta-caryophyllene) is known for two things: being spicy and being the only known terpene that behaves like a cannabinoid. It’s the reason for the peppery flavor behind many great cannabis strains. Either caryophyllene or myrcene almost always takes the top spot as most-abundant terpene in any given strain.

- Also found in: Sage, cloves, cinnamon, black pepper

- Aroma/flavor profile: Spicy, sharp, musky

3. Limonene

Take one guess at what limonene smells like — if you guessed “limes,” you’re a winner. But how could you possibly have known? Limonene is found in every citrus fruit, and it has energizing effects that have recently become of great interest in the field of neurological health.

- Also found in: Citrus fruit, dill, bergamot

- Aroma/flavor profile: Fruity, sweet, zesty

4. Pinene

Pinene is another terpene with a name that gives its origins away. Also found in pine trees, pinene appears to have potent anti-inflammatory properties while also helping clear your airways.

- Also found in: Sage, pine trees

- Aroma/flavor profile: Minty, herbal, pungent

5. Linalool

Proving how wide-ranging the effects of terpenes are, linalool appears to be the reason lavender helps you get to sleep at night. Studies show that this terpene has soporific effects, meaning it might improve the symptoms of insomnia.

- Also found in: Lavender, rose, basil

- Aroma/flavor profile: Herbal, floral, sweet

THCA and terps: The bottom line

THCA and terpenes were made for each other — quite literally. Studying the chemical composition of cannabis, it’s apparent that some higher force in the world simply intended the components of this plant to work in harmony with each other, filling in the other’s gaps to become more powerful than any cannabinoid or terpene could be on its own.

This story of synergy and cooperation is carrying forward into the next generation of cannabis. Terpenes make THCA products better in the same way they make other hemp and cannabis products better. You should take an interest in the terpenes in the THCA — it could make the difference between a top-tier experience and a cannabis flop.

Terpene & THCA FAQ

Brush up on additional THCA terpene knowledge in the following FAQ section:

Which terpene is best for arousal?

Users say that energizing terpenes like limonene are often the best for sexual arousal. More-sedating terpenes like myrcene also have their place when it comes to accentuating the sensual side of things.

What are the effects of the terpene ocimene?

Proving even further that the effects of terpenes are far-flung, the rare cannabis terpene ocimene is believed to have some degree of antifungal and anticonvulsant potential. Ocimene might even be useful in slowing the growth of tumors!

Where can I buy the best THCA flower online?

More than 25,000 five-star reviewers agree that Secret Nature is the best purveyor of THCA flower and vapes the internet has to offer. Make sure to give our new delta 9 THC gummies a shot as well while you’re at it!
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