What Are Morning Glory Seeds?

They’re in the Bible, they’re beloved by florists, and they’re hated by gardeners and police officers alike. They’re morning glories, beautiful flowers with special seeds that have recently drawn more attention to the plant.
What are morning glories, and why are LSD-lovers suddenly so interested in their seeds? Learn about both the facts and mysteries surrounding morning glories, and find out if you should try morning glory seeds.
What are morning glories?
“Morning glory” is a generalized name used to refer to more than 1,000 different species of viny, flowering plants. Characterized by flowers that closely resemble the horn of an old phonograph, morning glories come in many different colors, and they’re often allowed to grow on trellises or trail from hanging baskets. The seeds of morning glories are also sometimes desired for medicinal purposes, and the vines are considered food in some cultures.
Are morning glory seeds poisonous?
There is a popular misconception that morning glory seeds are poisonous, but this is mainly due to their LSA content. Since LSD has incorrectly been labeled a poisonous substance, the LSA present in morning glory seeds has also been, by default, called poisonous.
Despite breathless, panicked articles posted by clearly biased addiction recovery centers, there is essentially no research indicating that morning glory seeds are at all poisonous. In fact, available research on the subject indicates that many individuals who ingest morning glory seeds and their extracts experience no notable effects whatsoever.
Are morning glories hallucinogenic?
Yes, morning glory seeds appear to at least have the potential to cause psychedelic effects due to the presence of LSA, a substance that is believed to have around one-tenth the potency of LSD. LSA is also the precursor chemical used during LSD production, causing concern that morning glory seeds may be used in LSD production and distribution.
For most users, the hallucinogenic properties of morning glory seeds are not profound. LSA is already a relatively weak psychedelic, and morning glory seeds only naturally contain small concentrations of this substance. To experience effects comparable to those of an average dose of LSD, you would need to ingest a massive quantity of morning glory seeds.
What is LSA?
D-lysergic acid amide (LSA), also known as ergine, is a natural substance present in a variety of plants found around the world. Available in morning glory seeds in concentrations of approximately 10 micrograms per seed, LSA is also found in Hawaiian baby woodrose seeds in similarly small concentrations.
Used in Mesoamerican healing ceremonies for centuries, ergine reached the attention of European pharmacists in the 1940s, leading to the historic experiments of Albert Hofmann at Sandoz Pharmaceuticals that culminated in the discovery of LSD. Ergine was also used by the CIA in the 1950s as part of the Mind Kontrol (MK) ULTRA project.
Is LSA similar to LSD?
Yes, LSA is very similar to LSD both chemically and in terms of its effects. In chemical terms, LSA is the direct precursor to LSD, making it impossible to have LSD without having LSA first.
In regards to effects, LSA is usually considered to be a milder form of LSD. The characteristic effects of “acid” are all there, but significantly diminished. As a result, natural forms of LSA like morning glory seeds have recently become popular among those seeking to “microdose” or take tiny amounts of psychedelic substances.
Directly compared to LSD, LSA is considerably weaker. That might not be a negative attribute, though, depending on the effects you’re looking for. While some individuals may prefer the profoundly mind-bending effects of a full dose of LSD, others might rather experience what this class of drugs has to offer in a milder format.
If you want to microdose or similarly experience a milder psychedelic trip, you might prefer LSA over LSD. Those who want to leap full-on into the psychedelic experience and leave reality behind, though, might find themselves disappointed by LSA’s limited effects.
What are the benefits of morning glory seeds?
Some of the most impressive benefits of morning glory seeds include:
- Low-intensity, LSD-like trip
- At lower doses, no hallucinations occur
- A general feeling of calm and happiness is reported by most users
- Users suggest that morning glory seeds might help with anxiety and emotional issues
- Morning glory seeds are easy to acquire
- They’re also easy to eat on their own or add to food
- Contrary to popular belief, morning glory seeds do not appear to be poisonous
Are morning glories illegal in the US?
No, morning glories are not illegal for the most part in most places in the United States. To explain further, one particular species of morning glories has been banned by the US Department of Agriculture — but because it is invasive, not due to the LSA content of its seeds.
Throughout the majority of the USA, it remains the case that only one breed of morning glories requires a permit for import. The exception is Arizona, in which it is illegal to grow morning glories due to the invasive behavior of the species.
A purified extract of the ergine (LSA) present in morning glories, however, would be illegal since LSA is considered to be a Schedule I substance under the Controlled Substances Act. Put another way, unless you use morning glory seeds for extraction, they are perfectly legal.
Where can you buy morning glory seeds?
Morning glory seeds are available abundantly online and in garden centers. Local stores like Walmart and Home Depot are likely to carry morning glory seeds, and you can also buy morning glory seeds online.
Buying morning glory seeds is not illegal. Keep in mind that these seeds are also not high-potency, though, and that you usually must take 100+ seeds at a time to experience any noticeable effects.
Morning glory FAQ
Let’s wrap up with some answers to related questions:
1. What part of the morning glory is edible?
The entirety of the morning glory plant is technically edible, but there’s no medicinal purpose in eating any part of the morning glory aside from its seeds. Though they have desirable culinary attributes, morning glory flowers and vines do not contain any LSA. This substance is only present in morning glory seeds, making eating the rest of the (albeit edible) plant pointless from a medicinal perspective.
2. What does morning glory taste like?
In Southeast Asia, morning glory vines are known as “water spinach” and used in many different dishes. With a texture somewhat similar to green beans, morning glory vines have a subtly sweet flavor that differentiates them from similar greens. In Southeast Asian cuisine, morning glory vines are commonly stir fried and served with meat.
3. Can morning glory be eaten raw?
Yes, you can eat any part of the morning glory plant raw. In fact, it is highly advisable that you do not heat morning glory seeds in any way before eating them since doing so may nullify their LSA content. Parts of the morning glory plant that do not bear LSA can be eaten either cooked or raw.
4. Why are morning glories illegal in Arizona?
Morning glories are illegal to grow outdoors in Arizona because they are considered a “noxious weed.” Specifically, morning glories are believed by the state of Arizona to be an invasive species that might crowd out the arid region’s sparse plant life.
It is not illegal to possess morning glory flowers or seeds in Arizona. The state will simply fine property owners if they do not agree to remove morning glory plants found growing outdoors. Due to the legal status of morning glories, florists in Arizona do not sell these flowers, and garden centers do not stock morning glory seeds. Arizona residents can, nonetheless, legally buy morning glory seeds online or in another state.
5. Is morning glory a parasite?
Some morning glories are parasitic, but most are not. One particular species, known as dodders, have a tendency to choke out neighboring plants with their spidery, clinging tendrils. While they may be invasive, though, other morning glory species should not be considered parasites.
6. Can you grow morning glory in the house?
Yes, even in places where it is illegal to grow morning glories outside, you can still grow these beautiful flowers as houseplants. If you learn how to breed them, you could even secure a personal, perpetual source of morning glory seeds.
The bottom line: Are morning glory seeds worth trying?
If you’re a fan of LSD and you’re looking for a legal alternative, morning glory seeds might be worth trying. Morning glory seeds might also be appealing to the microdosing crowd, who specifically take tiny doses of psychedelic substances.
There’s some indication as well that, even if you don’t notice them right away, there might be cumulatively beneficial effects to taking morning glory seeds as a daily supplement. Do your own research to determine if morning glory seeds are safe, but keep in mind that they’re mainly considered dangerous due to their LSA content — which does not appear to be particularly dangerous.