What Is CBF?

CBF must be one of the rarest and most mysterious substances to ever be associated with cannabis. Despite isolating CBF decades ago, scientists still don’t know exactly where this cannabinoid comes from or whether it even offers any benefits. As we decode the language of cannabis by investigating its constituent parts, however, CBF is an unavoidable puzzle piece we must contend with. Learn what CBF is and what it does in this guide.
What is the cannabinoid CBF?
Cannabifuran (CBF) Is an ultra-rare cannabinoid that is apparently not naturally found in cannabis. Sources vary in their assessments, but CBF is believed to be a metabolite of THC, which could potentially provide it with intoxicating properties. All CBF that has been used for research purposes so far, however, has been synthesized, making it difficult to know whether this cannabinoid is natural or not. Occupying the lowest rung of the totem pole when it comes to international research interest, we might not know anymore about CBF for quite some time.
What are the effects of CBF?
Nobody knows exactly how CBF affects the human body and mind. Since this cannabinoid is related to THC, it would make sense if CBF had intoxicating properties. This cannabinoid is only available in a lab-grade form for research purposes, however, so it is not recommended that individuals attempt to discover the effects of CBF for themselves.
What are the benefits of CBF?
Without knowing where this cannabinoid comes from or what it does, it is impossible to speculate on the potential benefits of CBF. At this point, CBF simply serves as a research oddity and as yet another necessary component of the overall cannabinoid puzzle. We won’t know anything more about the potential benefits of CBF until this cannabinoid becomes available in consumer-grade form.
How does CBF work in the body?
As a metabolite of THC, CBF most likely operates in the human body in a similar way to this much more well-known cannabinoid. Scientists still aren’t sure, though, about the exact relationship between CBF and THC, so it’s entirely possible this rare substance interacts with your body in entirely unexpected ways.
Are there studies on CBF?
Yes, a few studies have been conducted into CBF since this cannabinoid‘s discovery in 1982. The entirety of this research has focused on the synthesis and chemical classification of CBF, however, not how this rare cannabinoid might help human beings or contribute to overall cannabis research. We encourage the scientific community to perform more studies on CBF so that we might learn more about how this cannabinoid could benefit people.
Why would people use CBF?
Assuming CBF has similar effects to THC, this cannabinoid could conceivably become popular as yet another hemp-derived THC alternative. This hypothesis entails two wild assumptions, however. First, we are assuming that CBF performs similarly to THC in the absence of any evidence, and second, we are assuming that there will be any demand leftover for additional THC alternatives even though at least five other options are already available.
Does CBF have any side effects?
Since we don’t even know anything about the primary effects of CBF yet, it is impossible to speculate on any potential side effects this cannabinoid may have. All we can say is that THC is known to have certain drawbacks, and if it’s true that CBF is derived from THC, it may share these properties.
Is CBF legal?
US federal law only stipulates delta 9 THC as a Schedule I illegal substance. Therefore, all other cannabinoids, including CBF, are considered industrial hemp, a largely unrestricted legal category that also contains substances like hemp paper and hemp seed oil. If you can find a way to get it, you can ship CBF across state lines and use it at your own discretion.
What is the difference between CBF and CBD?
The main discernible difference between CBF and CBD is that we know a lot about CBD while we know next-to-nothing about CBF. If it’s true that CBF is a natural THC derivative, then that would make the gulf between these cannabinoids even wider.
What is the difference between CBF and delta 8?
CBF and delta 8 might share a common relationship to delta 9 THC. While delta 8 is an alternative—and fully distinct—form of THC that naturally forms in cannabis, however, CBF appears to be a rare metabolite of THC that could conceivably come from either the cannabinoid’s delta 8 or delta 9 forms.
What is the difference between CBF and CBL?
CBF and cannabicyclol (CBL) are similar in that they’re both rare cannabinoids we don’t know much about yet. Scientists are fully aware that CBL is a metabolite of cannabichromene (CBC), however, while they still don’t know very much about what CBF is or where it comes from.
What is the difference between CBF and CBT?
Cannabicitran (CBT) is a rare cannabinoid that recently came to the fore alongside CBL. As another derivative of CBC, scientists are unlikely to find any compelling connections between CBF and CBT anytime in the near future.
What is the difference between CBF and HHC?
Like CBF, hydrohexacannabinol (HHC) can only currently be made via artificial synthesis, and scientists aren’t sure whether either cannabinoid naturally occurs in cannabis. HHC products are widely available on the internet, though, while CBF products don’t exist yet.
What is the difference between CBF and CBE?
Cannabielsoin (CBE) and CBF are similar in that we know next-to-nothing about either cannabinoid. Research into CBE is considerably more advanced, however—we know this cannabinoid is the result of liver enzymes acting on CBD while the exact nature of CBF is still up for debate.
CBF cannabinoid FAQ
Have any further questions regarding CBF? We’ll answer them below:
1. What types of cannabinoids are there?
Cannabinoids can generally be classified into three types: natural, converted, and synthetic. There are dozens of naturally occurring cannabinoids in cannabis, and it’s possible to use natural enzymes to convert these cannabinoids into hundreds more. In addition, you can even produce cannabinoids using entirely synthetic means. CBF is an example of such a cannabinoid—it seems this cannabis-related substance can only be made in a laboratory setting.
Out of the three categories, natural cannabinoids are the safest and most desirable. Since they don’t involve the addition of any foreign substances, converted cannabinoids are usually just as good. Synthetic cannabinoids, however, can be dangerous since they are commonly made with non-cannabis substances.
2. Is there a comprehensive list of minor cannabinoids?
Nobody keeps an accurate list of minor cannabinoids since new substances are discovered on a regular basis. Plus, the definition of “cannabinoid” can get somewhat murky—is a cannabinoid truly a cannabinoid if it is converted from another substance?
Contributing to the difficulty of the task is the sheer number of cannabinoids that have been discovered so far. While many of these cannabinoids are simply variations of a few core compounds, each chemically distinct substance must be included in any comprehensive list of cannabinoids.
3. Is there a list of the endocannabinoids that occur in the human body?
Just as is the case with phytocannabinoids (cannabinoids that appear in plants), scientists are discovering new endocannabinoids (cannabinoids that appear inside the human body) all the time. The two primary components of the endocannabinoid system are 2-AG and anandamide, but we’re learning that this important regulatory system has a much wider scope than researchers initially anticipated.
As we find out more about phytocannabinoids, we’ll also gain more insight into how the endocannabinoid system works. In the future, we may consider all the biochemical mechanisms that interact with phytocannabinoids as part of the endocannabinoid system, which would add CBD’s primary targets—5-HT and TRP—to this list as well.
4. Is CBF derived from THC?
At this stage, it certainly appears that CBF is a metabolite of THC, but scientists have so-far failed to produce CBF from THC using natural means. Instead, all of the CBF that has been made so far has been derived by combining various non-cannabis substances.
The main reason scientists have had any interest in CBF over the years is because this substance is known as a “naturally occurring dibenzofuran.” An insecticide usually made from coal tar, dibenzofuran is sometimes used in agricultural settings. Due to the overall unpopularity of dibenzofuran as an insecticide and the difficulty of synthesizing CBF, it’s unlikely this cannabinoid will become popular for agricultural or any other purposes.
5. Where can I learn more about cannabifuran’s effects?
At this stage, the only way to learn more about the effects of cannabifuran is to try it for yourself. Based on our research, only one supplier currently sells this substance, and the CBF offered is for research purposes only, not consumption.
Our best advice would be to wait a few years as research into cannabinoids progresses. Even as we learn more about CBD, CBG, CBC, and the various other natural cannabinoids that are exploding into popularity, though, we’re unlikely to glean any more insights into CBF, the rarest and perhaps least-desirable cannabinoid ever discovered.