Review of CBG Pre-Rolls 7-Pack

Cannabigerol (CBG) is still relatively new to the cannabinoid market, but already, hemp enthusiasts around the country are embracing this Cannabis sativa constituent with open arms. While CBG is similar to CBD in many ways, this cannabinoid has a unique chemical structure, and as I learned firsthand, CBG also exerts remarkably unique effects when smoked. As the blog writer at Secret Nature, it was my pleasure to sample a 7-pack of my favorite hemp flower brand’s CBG pre-rolls, and in this in-depth review, I’ll tell you exactly what to expect when you smoke this cannabinoid.
First impressions
Everything about my Secret Nature package was simple and discreet. Apart from the return address on the label, which listed Secret Nature as the sender, there was no way to tell that my package contained hemp products. To alleviate any potential misunderstanding, my package was even equipped with a one-page letter explaining that the products it contained were not marijuana. I was unsurprised that my package lived up to the reputation of professionalism and high quality for which Secret Nature has become so widely known.
Packaging and labeling
Aside from the tin of Papaya Nights CBD flower I also received, which I’ll be reviewing shortly, my 7-pack of Secret Nature pre-rolls was one of the largest products in my package. It wasn’t quite as large as a cigarette pack, but it was larger than a pack of cards. The best analogy I can come up with for both the size and aesthetics of my CBG pre-roll pack is that it resembled a fancy business cardholder.
As usual, I was impressed by the gold embossing on my sleek black product package, and I was also pleased by how easily my pre-roll package opened once I broke the small sticker seal on the side. On the back of my package, I found some helpful information about my pre-rolls, including the amount of CBG they each contained (94.2mg) and a statement indicating that my pre-rolls did not contain any trim or shake. There was even a QR code on the back of the package that I could use to access the product page for my CBG pre-rolls.
At no point, while handling my CBG pre-roll package did I detect any whiff of hemp. It was only after I slid open the top of the box and opened the zip-lock bag inside that I noted an overpowering hempy aroma. While I had trouble resealing this clear plastic bag once it was open, it entirely blocked out the aroma of my CBG pre-rolls while it was still sealed.
I confirmed that the bag contained seven immaculately-rolled pre-rolls, and then I removed one from its package. Putting the bag back in its box and shutting the lid of the box was no problem, but since I was unable to seal the bag again once it was open, a small amount of hempy aroma did leak out of the box after I shut it.
SUMMARY: My CBG pre-roll package was well-designed, beautiful, and informative. The inner bag containing the pre-rolls remained entirely airtight until I opened it for the first time.
It was now time to give one of my CBG pre-rolls a shot. While I had tried CBG in oral form before, this was to be my first time inhaling this cannabinoid, so I was very keen to discover what the experience was like. I grabbed a lighter, sat on my porch, and lit my first CBG joint.
As I’ve come to expect from Secret Nature pre-rolls, the paper tip of my subtly conical pre-roll lit easily, and I used this flaming tip to ignite the plant matter at the end of my pre-roll. As I took a few mouth puffs to get my pre-roll going, I was happy to see that my Secret Nature CBG joint burned uniformly on each side.
Noting that the smoke in my mouth was thick and mild, I took my first deep inhalation from my CBG joint. While it could just be me, I found the smoke from my joint to be slightly smoother than the smoke produced by CBD joints, and this could have something to do with the fact that CBG is, in general, easier on the throat than CBD. Whatever the case may be, I found that I was able to take a few puffs in a row without experiencing any throat pain whatsoever.
As is always the case with joints, the smoke from my Secret Nature CBG pre-roll was smoothest and easiest to inhale while my joint was still long, and it became hotter and harsher as the ember moved its way toward the crutch. One thing I really like about Secret Nature joints, however, is their long crutches, which make it easier to smoke all of the hemp flower in your joint.
SUMMARY: I found my CBG joint to be slightly smoother than CBD joints I’ve tried, and the texture of the smoke my joint produced was fully in line with the high standard of quality I’ve come to expect from Secret Nature.
As I sat and puffed on my joint, I pondered on its flavor for quite some time. After some consideration, the smoke from my CBG joint certainly wasn’t fruity or citrusy. It wasn’t profoundly sweet or sour, either. While I often have trouble distinguishing individual terpene flavors beneath the overall powerful taste of hemp smoke, I took my time, and I eventually came to some conclusions.
More than anything else, my CBG joint had a powerful earthy flavor. It tasted very woody, and it also had notes of rich soil. This flavor overrode practically all other taste notes present in the smoke from my CBG pre-roll, but after a while, I was also able to detect hints of walnut or almond. I didn’t notice any particularly dank flavors, but underneath these earthy and nutty tastes, I was able to note a faint hint of haze.
SUMMARY: There wasn’t anything particularly remarkable about the earthy and nutty flavor of my CBG pre-roll, but at the same time, I didn’t find it unpleasant in any way.
I wasn’t sure what to expect from the effects of my Secret Nature CBG joint. I had only used CBG orally before, and I didn’t notice any profound effects when ingesting this cannabinoid this way. After a few puffs of my CBG pre-roll, however, I knew I was in for an experience unlike any other.
To me, smoking or vaping CBD often comes with a somewhat “heavy” feeling. This sensation isn’t unpleasant, and it’s apparent in both sativa-dominant and indica-dominant CBD flower strains. My experience with smoking CBG, however, wasn’t “heavy” at all. Instead, I felt that CBG provided benefits that got closer to the effects of THC than CBD does without getting me high.
After smoking my CBG joint, I felt energized, focused, and surprisingly inquisitive. Basic activities felt more engaging and interesting, and I felt like my sense of humor was enhanced. At no point did I feel intoxicated, but I felt like CBG brought out the sativa terpenes in my joint better than they would have been expressed if my joint had contained CBD instead.
SUMMARY: While remaining non-intoxicating, the effects of my CBG joint were powerfully uplifting and provided a notable sense of focus.
Overall score
Packaging and labeling: 5/5
Texture: 5/5
Flavor: 4/5
Effects: 5/5
Overall score: 4.75/5
In the end, I found the experience of puffing on my CBG pre-roll to be almost entirely perfect in every way. Coming from smoking Secret Nature’s Sour Gummi CBD pre-rolls, however, I was slightly underwhelmed by the flavor of my CBG joint. I tend to like fruity tastes when it comes to cannabis products, so the earthy and nutty flavors that were dominant in my joint simply weren’t quite up my alley. The richness of these flavors, however, was indicative of the high-tech, conscientious methods Secret Nature uses to produce all of its hemp products, so my reaction to the flavor of my CBG joint was entirely a matter of personal preference and not a reflection on the quality of my joint in any way.
The packaging, texture, and effects of my joint were absolutely superb. I was blown away by my first experience smoking CBG, and I’m grateful that Secret Nature sent me an entire 7-pack so I’ll be able to enjoy CBG using this potent ingestion method again. If you’ve been wondering what CBG feels like when smoked, there’s no better way to experiment than by picking up a 7-pack of Secret Nature CBG joints today.